Blog Post

How to Make your Association Stand Out with Multi-Channel Marketing

May 29, 2019
Author: Leigh Falkler

Multi-Channel Marketing

As marketing plans are created and budgets are decided among association membership teams, Omni-Channel Marketing is often a buzz word. Over the past few years we have had hundreds of discussions on why Multi-Channel Marketing is important and why it is currently not being used.

Multi-Channel Marketing has become key to many of our Association clients marketing success. Members and potential members interact with associations in a variety of ways, including: direct mail, social media, text messaging and email and across multiple different devices. The challenge for many associations is how to cost effectively acquire and retain members and to make all digital and print interactions as seamless and efficient as possible.

Here are some of our Marketing Teams Omni-Channel Tips for your Association:

  1. Don't let your budget hold you back: We hear over and over the budget is the main reason for not incorporating Multi-Channel Marketing campaigns. Don't let this stop you from being the best! Multi-Channel Marketing campaigns can start small and are very cost effective resulting in higher membership results.
  2. Integrate Internal Silos: Work together across departments to make Multi-Channel Marketing campaigns work for your associations. We have seen success when combining these silos and having membership, fundraising, marketing and conference departments integrate and collaborate on digital and direct marketing.
  3. You do not need to invest in expensive automation software: There are 100's of marketing automation software's for launching Multi-Channel Marketing campaigns currently available. If you are going to invest in a software do your research, you don't want to invest in a product that ends up being too expensive and cumbersome to use.
  4. Be Flexible: One of the Key components to Omni-Channel Marketing is flexibility. Test everything, if the first email launch doesn't have the results you want change the subject line or the lay-out and try again. This is one of the things the DMC Marketing team enjoys the most, we are constantly making changes, adding new features and testing so we can get the best results for our clients.
  5. Integrate your Design across channels: Make sure your direct mail piece, email and social media ad have the same look, feel and message.
  6. Secure a Partnership with an Agency: When securing a partnership for Multi-Channel Marketing with you are working with a team of experienced digital and direct marketers who have many years of success. One of the things our clients love is they do not have to invest in expensive software, training or an internal team of members to run the campaigns. We can take care of that for you!

Want to learn more about how to make Multi-Channel Marketing work for your Association? Contact us at Support or 301-855-1700.